

不仅仅是大数据. 更好的数据.

Every organization is looking to use data to drive decision-making. A bachelor's degree in data science from esball国际平台客户端 shows you how. 你的提问和回答会让客户更开心, 更高效的生产, 更好的患者治疗效果——以及更强的, 更聪明的底线.

The emerging challenge is not just one of data storage and number crunching. Algorithms are impacting nearly every aspect of our lives — what news we will be shown, 我们的薪酬是否被审视, 如果我们的贷款申请被接受. Artificial intelligence promises potentially huge benefits for society, but it is obvious that these capabilities must be properly managed.

The science of data provides the interdisciplinary skills to effectively reason in this space — to deliver the appropriate critical thinking that machines cannot.


作为esball国际平台客户端数据科学专业的学生, you'll go beyond theory and learn what it takes to solve real-world problems. 不管你是做金融的, 医疗保健, 政府, 零售业或无数其他行业, 数据科学为如何做出决策提供动力.

You'll build a strong core course foundation in math and computer science, with a supporting foundation in information science from the Reh School of Business as you gain a 360-degree view of the field. By the time you graduate, you'll understand the entire data science lifecycle. 您将帮助组织确定要收集哪些数据, 构建存储它所需的系统, develop the algorithms to make sense of it and share what you learn with others. Our intention is to equip you with the skill set to be a leader now and for the next generation of tools.


另外还有35个学分的数学和统计学, you'll take six hours of specially designated data science coursework, six credits of application electives and 22 credit hours in computer science and information systems.


  • 算法与数据结构
  • 大数据架构
  • 计算学习
  • 数据库设计与管理
  • 面向分析的数据仓库
  • 数据科学与应用数学伦理
  • 数据科学导论
  • 数学建模与软件
  • 概率论与统计学

The data science program consists of 35 credit hours in mathematics and statistics, 数据科学6个学分, 计算机科学13个学分, 8个科学学分, 信息系统9个学时, 6个学时的应用选修课. 24学时为自由选修课, which is enough to complete a minor or second major if you so choose.



The following courses are required for all students, irrespective of their program of study. 这些课程在秋季学期开设, with FY100 First-Year Seminar being required of only first-year students. Both FY100 and UNIV190 are typically taken during the fall semester of the first year at Clarkson.




  • DS241数据科学入门s3
  • 数据科学与应用数学中的伦理学
  • IS314数据库设计 & 管理
  • IS415数据仓库分析
  • IS426大数据架构


Students are required to complete the following 专业经验:

  • 专业经验(0学分)



  • MA131微积分I
  • MA132微积分II
  • 数学建模导论 & 软件 
  • 离散数学与证明 
  • MA231微积分III 
  • 应用线性代数
  • 统计 381概率
  • 统计 382数理统计
  • 概率与统计
  • 高级应用统计学
  • 统计 385贝叶斯数据分析
  • 统计项目(1-3学分)




  • CS141计算机科学概论I(4学分)
  • CS142计算机科学概论2
  • CS344算法和数据结构
  • CS449计算学习



  • 生物(BY)四学分课程,带实验
  • 化学(CM)四学分课程,含实验
  • 物理(PH) 4学分课程,带实验



应用选修课是硕士课程以外的课程, 统计, CS, and IS course designations that provide depth of knowledge in some domain. Students must take two 3-credit courses at the 200 level or higher, 都来自同一学科领域, with the particular pairing approved by the Mathematics Department.


Students will have at least 18 credit hours available to use toward Knowledge Area and/or University Course electives to satisfy the esball国际平台客户端共同经历 requirements.


Students will have approximately 24 credit hours available to use toward courses of their choice.

*Up to 12 credit hours of advanced (300- or 400- level) coursework in Aerospace Studies or Military 科学 may count toward graduation requirements. Aerospace Studies or Military 科学 credits at the 100 and 200 levels do not count toward the required 120 hours. Other restrictions may apply; check with the Mathematics Department for details.

早在你大一的时候, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside mathematics and data science faculty as they conduct research. You can also earn academic credit for your own research projects during the semester or summer.


Put your data science skills to work in an off-campus co-op or internship even before you graduate. 利用这段经历来满足你的毕业要求, or complete more than one assignment to explore data science's real-world applications.


Clarkson offers more than 200 student-run clubs and organizations. 许多人专注于数学, computer programming and other areas where you can put your data science skills to work. 或者,你可以通过俱乐部运动或其他活动来放松.


The undergraduate data science curriculum leaves enough room for you to pursue a minor. 这些与少校的范围密切相关:


在编程方面打下坚实的基础, 基本的软件工程原理和设计, 数据结构和算法的分析和实现. Then, choose electives to dive deeper into an area of your choice.



每个组织都是由数据驱动的. IT experts build the networks to make that data accessible to those who need it while keeping out those who don't. 这门辅修课程包括解决问题和编程, 计算机系统, 数据库管理, 计算机网络和网络技术.



Data analytics helped Alicia Mangal '19 see an entirely new way to put math to work. "Numbers suddenly told more of a story than words … I knew I wanted to be a storyteller," she says. As a manufacturing analyst at SRCTec in Syracuse, she's putting those skills to work.


数据科学被称为 “21世纪最性感的工作” — and when you see the careers that await you, you'll understand why. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of data science jobs is expected to 到2031年增长36%.


  • 银行与金融
  • 网络安全
  • 传媒及娱乐
  • 政府
  • 医疗保健
  • 零售和电子商务
  • 电信


电子邮件: math@magmadux.com
电话: 315-268-2395

Interested in knowing how a data science degree can work for you? 立即esball国际平台客户端.


Our graduates are already building a superior reputation for this new program. 21届应届毕业生伊兹·格拉索, 金水学者, was awarded a prestigious NSF Fellowship to pursue graduate studies and is working toward her PhD in Information 科学 at the University of Washington.



A BS in Data 科学 from Clarkson prepares you for one of the world's fastest-growing fields. 今天问我们更多.